Monday, March 19, 2007

Wheels on the Bus

McKenzie is learning The Wheels on the Bus. She can also clap her hands and fold her arms.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

McKenzie and I went outside to play today. It was 72 degrees out there. We played soccer...

... McKenzie rode in her wagon...

... and I rode on my bike. I rode my bike to the grocery store to get milk, to the bank to get money, to the cleaners to pick up my clothes, and to the gas station to get gasoline. They're all within the confines of my driveway, though, so it's a pretty short trip.

Monday, March 5, 2007


I saw two frogs today. I was playing outside with Mama and Baby Sis when I saw them. One was yellow and bumpy. The other one was black. The black one was jumping. The yellow one was crawling. I talked to the black one. I bent down close to him and said "Hi Frog." He didn't say anthing, but I could tell he was awake: his eyes were open. I didn't talk to the yellow one. But since the black one didn't talk back, I guess it's just as well.