Saturday, May 26, 2007

Gym Class

McKenzie and I graduated from our respective gym classes this week. We get to do lost of fun things in our gym classes like swinging, jumping, rolling, and playing with a parachute. Here's McKenzie swinging...

... and executing a perfect dismount.

Here's me doing a spider walk...

... and a bear crawl.

We did so well we got medals. Although, I guess everyone else did, too...

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Daddy snuck up on me singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and caught it on film...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

McKenzie Blows Her Nose

We've had a few colds go around here lately, enough that McKenzie's learned to blow her own nose. Check it out.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Daddy wrote me a poem last week. I'm not really sure what it means, but Mama says I'll appreciate it some day. Here it is.

You’ve developed a little stutter.
I can tell it’s because you’re mind is working faster than your tongue.
I know what it’s like to have your thoughts run ahead
And forget that the words have to catch up.
I often wish others could look inside my mind
And see how clear the concept was.

You’re a little bit shy. You say so little to strangers.
It can be hard to know what to do around someone new.
I know what it’s like to wish you had more to say.
But when people get to know you
They’re amazed at how articulate you are
And how funny you can be.

Sometimes you'll wish you were more outgoing
Or more well spoken, but you’ll be proud of what you are.
You’ll be a deep thinker, a problem solver, and a good listener.
Your quiet demeanor will convey confidence.
Others will talk about you when you’re not around,
About how smart you are.

Then someday you’ll read this and wonder how I knew these things about you.
Then you’ll see it in your son. And you’ll know exactly what he’s thinking.

Here's another one he wrote for McKenzie. At least this one rhymes...

If the hills had clouded over
And my gutters filled with rain,
If the Yankees beat the Red Sox
And the Cubs were bums again,
If the car broke down at Wal-Mart
And I had to walk a mile
I would still call it a good day
If I got to see you smile.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

McKenzie's Birthday

McKenzie had her first birthday. We had a sweet party for her. There are about 8 kids in our ward that were born around the same time, so we had a party for all of them. It was pretty fun. We had a three-legged race... check out the video. That's me with my friend Benjamin. He's the one slowing us down...

Then we hit a piƱata that Mama made. I didn't realize it was full of candy or I would have hit it harder...

We had cake too.

McKenzie got some cool toys for her birthday, which I have since comandeered.