Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Birds

McKenzie, Mama and I went to the park to feed the birds this week. There are a lot of ducks and geese at the park. The ducks are nice. The geese, we learned, are not.

As we started to feed them, the geese got pretty greedy. They kept inching closer and closer and barking at us for food. When they started taking food out of McKenzie's hand, Mama had to pick McKenzie up to protect her. That still didn't do it, and the geese got even more agressive. I had to throw my food pretty far to keep the birds at a good distance, but my aim isn't that great yet. The geese kept coming and coming until we decided we had to give ground and retreat. Mama picked us both up and we hightailed it out of there, screaming the whole way, the geese hot on our tail.

It was a pretty traumatic experience at the time, although it's kind of amusing in hindsight.

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