Thursday, October 4, 2007

Children of the World Unite!

I protested today. Actually, it was more like a peaceful demonstration. Actually, it was a few people holding signs.

Let me start over: I represented the silent majority today. Bush vetoed a bill yesterday that would have provided health care to millions of uninsured children. Daddy says that a veto is when the president says no, like when Mama vetoes my consumption of candy before dinner.

Anyway, I wasn't too happy about it, so I took out my frustration by holding a sign. Power to the people!


Eric Eastman said...

Good on all of you! Senator Hatch, who was one of the sponsors of the bill says he thinks the Pres. got some bad advice. Dad thinks the Pres. can do dumb things without advice from anyone. We are proud of all of you.

Bunny said...
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