Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We went to Whole Foods last week. One of the things we got there was some Hartley's Strawberry Jam. That's the kind of jam we used to get in London. We'd put it on Mama's homemade biscuits. It's delicious. Whole Foods is the only place we can find it here in the States. They have it in their "international foods" aisle.

The funny thing is, we used to go to Whole Foods in London (the one on Kensington High Street) to get stuff that was hard to find over there, like pumpkin pie filling so Mama could make a pumpkin pie, or aji amarillo so Daddy could make lomo saltado and papa a la huancaina.

Speaking of pumpkin pie: Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Lucile Eastman said...

Good to hear from you again! Sorry you've been sick. That's what comes of going to school and primary, I guess. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!