Friday, January 26, 2007

Baby Sis is 9 Months Old

Baby Sis went to the doctor today for her nine-month checkup (she turned nine months today). She's healthy. The doctor says she's taller and lighter than most babies her age. Daddy says that means she's going to be "a looker". I don't know how Baby Sis can be so light. She eats so much! Yesterday she ate a whole bowl of macaroni & cheese all by herself. Today she tried brocolli and she liked it.

Here's a video of me reading my favorite book: The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton. In case you don't know it, it goes like this:

The sun has set not long ago.
Now everybody goes below
To take a bath in one big tub,
With soap all over - scrub scrub scrub!
They hang their towels on the wall
And find pajamas, big and small.
With some on top and some beneath,
They brush and brush and brush their teeth.
And when the moon is on the rise,
They all go up to exercise!
And down once more, but not so fast,
They're on their way to bed at last.
The day is done. They say goodnight,
And somebody turns off the light.
The moon is high. The sea is deep.
They rock and rock and rock to sleep.

1 comment:

Eric Eastman said...

Yeah for McKenzie! Pretty soon she and Justin will be running around together.