Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. We had a fun Easter here.

On my last day of school, I gave chocolate easter bunnies to my teachers at school, and one to the crosswalk lady that helps me cross the street on my way to school. She thought that was pretty neat.

Yesterday, we had the missionaries over for dinner. Mama cooked a gammon. If you don't know what a gammon is, that's okay. We didn't either. Mama went to the local organic butcher and asked for a ham. She got a blank stare.

"Do you mean a gammon?" the butcher asked.

Apparently, she did.

The gammon came uncooked. Mama soaked it for a few hours and then boiled it for another couple of hours. It turned out great. It was the best gammon I've ever had.

1 comment:

Lucile Eastman said...

We had gammon, too. But we called it ham. So glad you had some snow before Easter, too.