Sunday, March 2, 2008

Horniman Museum

We went to the Horniman Museum yesterday. It's a small museum in Dulwich, south of London.

We went with our friends, the Goulehi family. The Goulehi's parents are from the Ivory Coast in Africa, and they lived in France before they came to London. The Goulehi kids speak French and English. It's pretty cool hearing someone say "McKenzie" with a French accent.

The kids are Iman, David, and Gracie. David is my age and Gracie is McKenzie's age.

The coolest part about the Horniman Museum was a room they had with some drums and other percussion instruments that you can play. Here's McKenzie jamming on the xylophone with David.


Eric Eastman said...

Fun fun stuff! Multicultural friends. What great opportunities you are having. And two Mother's Days. What could be better.

Heather said...

We are SO jealous of your fun FOREIGN experiences! We need to come and visit. I'm not complaining...NYC is pretty cool too! We hope you are all doing well.