Thursday, January 10, 2008

Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard

Well, there's no Julio there, but I go to school. This is a picture of me in front of the school. It's a nursery school, which I guess is like a pre-school in the States. Pretty much every kid who's three goes to nursery school. A lot go to public schools that are free. All the free ones were full, so Mama and Daddy pay a little for me to go to a private school. But even the private schools are subsidized. The government says that they have to provide two-and-a-half hours of school a day for free. My school lasts three hours, so we really only pay for a half-hour. It's an expensive half-hour, though, as half-hours go.

Yesterday was my first day. Mama stayed with me yesterday, but today I stayed all by myself. We play with blocks and cars and toys. We paint and use Play-doh and do other fun activities. I'll learn to write my letters and my numbers and do simple logic. Maybe I'll learn some numchuck skills and bow hunting skills, too. That, and make new friends. There are about 10 kids in my class. We're pretty much friends by now. They've got my back and everything.


Eric Eastman said...

How exciting to go to school in another country.

Anonymous said...

"Like anyone could even have ten friends..."

Renee (and Eric) said...

Benjamin says, "My lips hurt really bad!"

Got some chapstick?

Renee (and Eric) said...

He actually says this. Particularly with our recent cold snap. Makes us laugh every time. And he has no idea why.